
The Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory at the Technical University of Crete, focuses on the study and research of water resources management, extreme hydrological events, and the impacts of climate change on hydrological systems. Our lab develops advanced hydrological models and techniques for forecasting hydrological phenomena, contributing to sustainable water management in water-stressed regions, particularly in the Mediterranean basin.

Using state-of-the-art computational systems, we analyze and process measurements and satellite observations, and we evaluate and improve hydrological models. These systems also enable us to accurately predict extreme hydrological events and develop strategies to respond and adapt to climate change.

Where and when do extreme hydrological events occur? How do they impact water resources? How effective are the measures taken to manage these impacts? At the Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, we generate science-based knowledge to support decision-making in the face of environmental and social challenges posed by climate change and water resource management.

Aristeidis Koutroulis

Associate Professor

Dr. Aristeidis (Aris) Koutroulis is an Associate Professor at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, of Technical University of Crete. His research focuses on the field of hydroclimatology, hydrological extremes (floods and droughts), and the impacts of climate change on water resources. He has been involved in several research and innovation projects in the field of geosciences. Prof. Koutroulis has a rich publication record, having co-authored more than 150 publications in international journals, book chapters, conference proceedings, and technical reports. He has been listed among the top 2% of scientists in the field of environmental engineering for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, according to the science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. His work has significantly contributed to the IPCC Special Reports on 1.5°C Global Warming, Climate Change and Land, and the Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.
Prof. Koutroulis serves as an associate editor of the Climate Services Journal in the areas of Hydroclimatology, Environmental Hydraulics, Hydrological Extremes, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, and Water Resources. He was a contributing author for the Water Chapter – Working Group II of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) for the IPCC, and a Lead Author for the WATER chapter of the Mediterranean First Assessment Report by the MedECC community. His teaching responsibilities are in the fields of hydraulics, hydrology, and climate change. He is a member of the SDG Assessment Core Group of the Sustainable Water Future Programme and the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP), contributing to the Global Water sector.

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