Other Scientific Publications and Reports
Tsilimigkras, AA, Grillakis, MG., Koutroulis, AG. Past and future drivers of change. Historical evolution of climate and human activities in relation to ecosystem changes in the Mediterranean. Final Report pp. 201 (2024).
Koutroulis, A., Grillakis M., Crippa N., Giuliani M., STREAM-SusTainable REservoir mAnagement in water-stressed Mediterranean areas. Final Report pp. 48 (2023).
Tsilimigkras A., Koutroulis A., Improving JULES global river routing scheme. pp. 12 (2022).
Emmanuel Nyenah, Hannes Müller Schmied & Aristeidis Koutroulis, REVIEWING MODEL EVALUATION TOOLS AND THEIR POTENTIAL USE FOR ASSESSING CLIMATE IMPACT MODEL OUTPUTS. COST Action PROCLIAS (CA19139), supported by COST European Cooperation in Science & Technology, pp. 20 (2021).
Tsanis I.K., Seiradakis K., Sarchani S., Koutroulis A.G. Results and conclusions from the final stakeholder workshop. SoilCare H2020, pp. 29., (2021).
Tsanis I., Vozinaki I., Alexakis D., Sarchani S., Koutroulis A., Monitoring and Analysis of the erosion experiment. Study Site number: 12. SoilCare H2020, pp. 19., (2021).
Johannes Hunink, Alberto de Tomás, Raed Hamed, Matteo Giuliani, Sara Suárez, Joaquín Andreu, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Manolis Grillakis, Ioannis Tsanis, Abel Solera., D11.4 Demonstration and evaluation of prototype of Drought Decision Support systems. IMPREX H2020, pp. 89., (2019).
Louis-Philippe Caron, Manolis Grillakis, Aris Koutroulis, David Lavers, Andrea Manrique, Niti Mishra, Nicky Stringer, Ioannis Tsanis, D3.3 New methods to enhance the skill of seasonal prediction systems in operational systems. IMPREX H2020, pp. 52., (2018).
Johannes Hunink, Sergio Contreras, Raed Hamed, Andrea Castelletti, Matteo Giuliani, Joaquín Andreu, Abel Solera, Sara Suárez-Almiñana, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Manolis Grillakis, Ioannis Tsanis, Gabriela Guimarães Nobre, Jeroen Aerts and Philip J Ward, David García-León, Bettina Baruth, D11.2 Index-based drought risk assessment: Exploration of drought indices and agricultural impacts. IMPREX H2020, pp. 103., (2018).
Warren, R, Alfieri, L., Burke, S., Feyen, L., Forstenhaeusler, N., Nikoloulopoulos, A., Price, J., South, A., Wallace, C., Tsanis, A., Papadimitriou, L., Koutroulis, A., Deliverable: 4.4. “Report on different degrees of adaptation measures applied in the impact models”. HELIX FP7 Deliverable 4.4., pp. 87. (2017).
Lorenzo Alfieri, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Michalis Vousdoukas, Luc Feyen, Lamprini Papadimitriou, Ioannis Tsanis, Policy brief summarising assessment of impacts of SWLS in Europe including uncertainties. HELIX FP7 Deliverable 7.6., pp. 8., (2017).
Ioannis Tsanis, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Lamprini Papadimitriou, Lorenzo Alfieri, Luc Feyen, Francesco Dottori, Detailed assessment of biophysical and socio-economic impact of regional climate change and extremes in Europe based on new high-resolution RCM projection. HELIX FP7 Deliverable 7.5, pp. 105., (2017).
Johannes Hunink, Alberto de Tomás, Yu Li, Andrea Castelletti, Matteo Giuliani, Federico Giudici, Sara Suárez, Joaquín Andreu, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Manolis Grillakis, Abel Solera., D11.1 Prototype design of drought Decision Support Systems. IMPREX H2020, pp. 107. (2017).
Pierre Friedlingstein, Catherine Morfopoulos, Richard Betts, Nicole Forstenhaeusler, Jeff Price, Rachel Warren, Gustavo Naumann, Lorenzo Alfieri, Luc Feyen, Ioannis K. Tsanis, Lamprini Papadimitriou, Aristeidis Koutroulis. Provision of impact simulations based on the new AGCM time slice simulations for 3 SWLs. HELIX FP7 Deliverable 4.5., pp. 56., (2017).
Lorenzo Alfieri, Hylke Beck, Gustavo Naumann, Philippe Ciais, Jingfeng Chang, Tsanis I.K., L. Papadimitriou, A.G. Koutroulis, Katja Frieler, Anselmo Garcia Cantu Ros, Fang Zhao, Catherine Morfopoulos, The sensitivities of impact models to climate drivers as well as their ability to represent effects of extreme events. HELIX FP7 Deliverable 4.3, pp. 75., (2016).
Lorenzo Alfieri, Luc Feyen, Alessandra Bianchi, Michalis Vousdoukas, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Ioannis Tsanis, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Lamprini Papadimitriou, Manolis Grillakis. Improved assessment of impacts in Europe for SWLs including uncertainties. HELIX FP7 Deliverable 7.4, pp. 128., (2016).
Tsanis I.K., A.G. Koutroulis, M.G. Grillakis. Cross sectoral impacts on water availability at +2°C and +3°C for east Mediterranean island states: the case of Crete. IMPACT2C FP7. Deliverable 11.1., pp. 35. (2015).
Alfieri L., I.K. Tsanis, L. Papadimitriou, A. Koutroulis, M. Grillakis, L. Feyen, M. Vousdoukas, E. Voukouvalas. Evaluation of regional impact models against observed trends or recent extreme events. Deliverable: 7.3, pp. 53., (2015).
Alfieri L., I.K. Tsanis, L. Papadimitriou, A. Koutroulis, M. Grillakis, L. Feyen, M. Vousdoukas, E. Voukouvalas, A. Kitous, M. Rozsai, J. Carlos Ciscar, X. Wang, P. Ciais. Fast-track assessment of biophysical impacts and selected socio-economic impacts at 4°C using EURO CORDEX RCM projections. Deliverable: 7.2, pp. 108., (2015).
Alfieri L., I.K. Tsanis, L. Papadimitriou, A. Koutroulis, M. Grillakis, L. Feyen, M. Vousdoukas, E. Voukouvalas, A. Kitous, M. Rozsai, J. Carlos Ciscar, X. Wang, P. Ciais. HELIX FP7. “Overview of existing observed climate and impacts data for Europe, example extreme events, and adaptation strategies” Deliverable: 7.1, pp. 50. (2014).
Prettenthaler F., H. Albrecher, J. Erik Haugen, .I Tsanis , P. Asadi, M. Craveiro , A. Damm, M. Grillakis, M. Hofer, D. Kortschak, A. Koutroulis, O. Landgren, N.. “Value at Risk in EU27: floods, the change of weather risk to electricity, tourism demands” IMPACT2C FP7. Deliverable 9.1., pp. 41. (2014).
Tsanis I.K., M.G. Grillakis, A.G. Koutroulis, “Maps showing the climate change impacts, at +2°C and +1.5°C for each sector” IMPACT2C FP7. Deliverable 6.1., pp. 29. (2014).
Tsanis, I.K., M.G. Grillakis, A.G. Koutroulis. “High resolution future solar energy projections for the island of Crete”. ECLISE collaborative FP7 research project under the Environment Programme of the European Commission, Deliverable 6.15. (2014).
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis, M.G. Grillakis. “Climate change effect on hydro-meteorologic variables related to water budget and precipitation extremes for the region of Crete”. ECLISE collaborative FP7 research project under the Environment Programme of the European Commission, Deliverable 5.5. (2014).
Tsanis, I.K., M.G. Grillakis, A.G. Koutroulis. “Rainfall and Temperature extremes for Greek Cities”. ECLISE collaborative FP7 research project under the Environment Programme of the European Commission, Deliverable 5.5. (2014).
Sobolowski S., P. Lind, A. Koutroulis, L. Marien, E. Kjellström, B. van Ulft, B. Eggert , Y. Chen, G. Lenderink, D. Lindstedt and I.K. Tsanis. “Simulating extreme precipitation in the island of Crete with non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs”. ECLISE collaborative FP7 research project under the Environment Programme of the European Commission, Deliverable 2.4. (2014).
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis, Jacob, D. Moseley, C. & Remedio A. “Assessment of additional regional feedbacks and their regional impacts in the Mediterranean (Crete case study)”, COMBINE-FP7 ENV.2008. New components in Earth System modeling for better climate projections, deliverable D8.7b, (2013).
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis. “Evaluation of present-day estimates of solar radiation over Crete”. ECLISE collaborative FP7 research project under the Environment Programme of the European Commission, Deliverable 6.14. (2012).
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis. “WATER ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR CRETE BASINS” WATCH FP6, Global Change and Ecosystems. Deliverable 6.4.2a., Technical Report No 30. Translating the global water cycle system to basins for water resources applications (2011).
Anne F. van Loon, Henny A.J. van Lanen, Lena M. Tallaksen, Martin Hanel, Miriam Fendeková, Andrej Machlica, Gonzalo Sapriza, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Marjolein H.J. van Huijgevoort, Jorge Jódar Bermúdez, Hege Hisdal, Ioannis Tsanis. WATCH FP6 Technical Report No 31: PROPAGATION OF DROUGHT THROUGH THE HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE (2011).
Marjolein H.J. van Huijgevoort, Anne F. van Loon, Martin Hanel, Ingjerd Haddeland, Oliver Horvát, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Andrej Machlica, Graham Weedon, Miriam Fendeková, Ioannis Tsanis, Henny A.J. van Lanen, Technical report No. 26 (44 pages): Simulation of low flows and drought events in WATCH FP6 test basins: impact of climate forcing datasets. March 18, 2011.
Fulco Ludwig, Miguel Candel, Jesús Carrera, Miriam Fendekova, Ingjerd Haddeland, Stanislav Horacek, Jorge Jódar, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Vicente Navarro, Ioannis Tsanis. WATCH FP6 Technical Report Number 10: Preliminary Water Assessment Reports of the test basins of the WATCH Project, 2009.
Tsanis, I.K., Daliakopoulos I.N., Koutroulis, A.G., “Modelling Tools and Methods. The effect of scale on estimating the impact of global change on water resources. The case of Crete.” SCENES FP6 – Water Scenarios for Europe and Neighboring States, 2009.
Tsanis, I.K., Koutsogiannaki I.G., Daliakopoulos I.N. and Koutroulis A.G., “Development of protocols for assessing data uncertainties variability and feedbacks”. SCENES FP6 – Water Scenarios for Europe and Neighboring States, 2008.
Borga M., G. Delrieu, G. Bloschl, E. Gaume, D. Sempere-Torres, I. K. Tsanis, A. G. Koutroulis, E. N. Anagnostou, J. Szolgay, G. Stancalie, M. Barbuc, P. Samuels, “Report on collation of detailed data from major flash flood events”. HYDRATE – Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies for effective flash flood forecasting (Specific Targeted Research Project – FP6), 2008.
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis. “Analysis of flash flood regimes in Crete” Intermediate Report, HYDRATE – Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies for effective flash flood forecasting (Specific Targeted Research Project – FP6), 2008.
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis, I.N. Daliakopoulos. “Geropotamou basin, Greece – A Harmonib Case Study” Final Report, Harmonized Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management (HarmoniRiB), European Community EC-RS (Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Key Action 1: Sustainable Management and Quality of Water, 2006.
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis, I.N. Daliakopoulos. “Geropotamou River Basin Data Report”, Harmonized Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management (HarmoniRiB), European Community EC-RS (Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Key Action 1: Sustainable Management and Quality of Water, 2006.
Tsanis, I.K., A.G. Koutroulis “Estimation of Water Resources of Geropotamou and Keritis Basins”, Best Water Use Innovative Practices towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management (BEWARE), Crete Innovative Region (CRINNO), 2005.
Tsanis, I.K., Seiradakis, K., Koutroulis A.G. “Data processing and results”, Best Water Use Innovative Practices towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management (BEWARE), Crete Innovative Region (CRINNO), 2005.
Tsanis, I.K., Seiradakis, K., Koutroulis A.G. “Digital data (topographic, satellite) and equipment.”, Best Water Use Innovative Practices towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management (BEWARE), Crete Innovative Region (CRINNO), 2005.